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Alpro Teknik Logo

Alpro Teknik

  • A supplier company specializing in aluminum with its advanced mechanical processing capabilities.
  • Operates in Turkey and Europe.
  • Our goal is our customer’s;
    1. to lower their costs
    2. improve their internal processes
    3. Helping to make savings sustainable
  • We offer more value for your business in the long run.

Why Us?


  • We have experienced and expert employees in all our processes.
  • Our machine park; Was created by following the latest technologies, considering production efficiency and operational excellence.
  • ALPRO Teknik is your best choice of Aluminium PV Systems Mounting Equipments and to Aluminium Solar Panel Frames.
  • We provide multiple choise with the best service as long lifetime with low cost about :

                     -Mounting systems

                     -Flat Roof Systems

                     -Pitched Roof Systems 

                     -Ground mounting systems

                     – All types of Photovoltaic mounting systems.

  • Alpro could offer you different options as Solar System Aluminium Hooks like Adjustable Roof Hook according to your roof types.
Logo Typo Big


  • In order to perceive all the expectations of our customers
  • To ensure the continuity of customer satisfaction
  • To plan our processes according to customer expectations

We act with the “Operational Excellence Philosophy”

With our quality management system; process management, effective and efficient use of our resources, timely and high-performance productions, a structure that takes care of the environment and natural resources with all our work is aimed by observing legal regulations.

Above all, “Occupational Safety and Occupational Health” is our priority. We will carry the “Quality Management System” forward together with our employees by increasing their individual development and their participation in the business.


Our employees

high communication skills

Goal-oriented approach


Sincere and heartfelt


The need for change

Need for development

Seeing future


Our Goals

Situation analysis

Goal Setting

Willingness to work


Our Plan

Time management

Product flow

Work follow

Success is inevitable


listens to each other


Acts fairly



We are Bursa. green is our color

Protects our environment

We do not leave waste

The future is new generations

We are thoughtful

loves all creatures

Our differences are our wealth

Sees beauty


Have a project in mind?

Contact Us.

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